You are Almighty God's special treasure.

You are Almighty God's special treasure.
This is your scripture for today, may it empower you. Please leave a comment, share it widely and make someone's day.

Title: You are Almighty God's special treasure.

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; 

that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV.


Righteousness means being in  right standing with God

 or being judged by God as being in right standing with Him.

 Judged as having fulfilled all the requirements needed by God for us

 to enter His presence and be in fellowship with Him.

 We are reckoned as His own on account of what Jesus Christ did for us.

 This means that we are made righteous in the sight of God; that is,

 that we are accepted as righteous and treated as righteous by God

 on account of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us. 

He was made sin; we are made righteousness.

On the cross, Jesus Christ was treated as if He were a sinner,

 though He was perfectly holy and pure,

 and we are treated as if we were righteous,

 though we are defiled and sinful.

 We have received this precious gift of righteousness 


from the God of all mercy and grace and we can enter into His presence.

 Glory be to God.

Point of reflection:

Jesus Christ was made sin so that you may be in right standing with God.

 When you have acknowledged Jesus Christ as Lord,

whenever God looks at you He sees His own perfect Son in you.

 Under the cover of Jesus Christ you can enter the very presence of God.

 Praise be to God.

 When you are ready-

Prayer of consecration:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for Jesus Christ, 

who became sin for me so that I may become the righteousness of God in Him

 and give me access into your presence.

Today I acknowledge the risen Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.

I set myself apart for you Lord to serve you with all that I am and all that I am not,

 I give my life to you, to do your will O God.

 I reject you, enemy satan your demons 

and all your ploys and deceits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,

 I command you to leave me to serve my God.

 In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.

Additional resources: 

Much grace and peace be multiplied to you.

Apostle Dr Max and Joyce Matonhodze.


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