Gay Marriage - What does Almighty God say?

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How this book came about

On the 6th of January 2014, I woke up as normal preparing to go to work. I had lived in Dudley Metropolitan Borough of the West Midlands since 1st February 1995. In every other respect it was a normal January Monday morning. Then God spoke to me – clearly: I have a message which I want you to give to the Prime Minister. What? I asked within myself – have I heard that correctly? I turned round to see if there was anybody with me. I was alone. I started praying – God is it you speaking to me? The voice came again unmistakably – “Yes it’s Me – I have a message for you for the Prime Minister, write it down.” The message started coming – downloading literally. I went to work as usual as a Consultant Respiratory Physician in a busy District General Hospital in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom.

I had heard from God from time to time and on many occasions over the last three decades since I became a born-again Christian. I had learnt and un- derstood that whenever God speaks to me, that word from God must be based, supported, and confirmed with two or three witnesses from the written word of God, the scriptures. (Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 13:1, Hebrews 10:28).

I came back from work, started writing the message which Almighty God had been downloading to me all day. I could feel the presence of God and the anointing as I started putting the message down. Some of the things I was being told and shown from the scriptures were startling to me – they were new. I was told things I had not known before.

God was speaking to me about the Same Sex Marriage Act which had been enacted in November 2013. The act had crossed a line from heaven. This message must not be construed as homophobic because it is a message of love to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (as well as other world lead- ers) and love to the gay community and to the nation of the United Kingdom and indeed every nation of Planet Earth. It answers and gives amazing clarity to questions which many people have been asking and struggling to get clarity on. It exposes the deception with which the enemy of God and mankind satan wants to entice people into bondage. It reveals who is behind same sex attraction and the way out which Almighty God has provided for every man and woman.

It is a message from the God of all mercy, God who is love, God who sent Jesus Christ to suffer and die so that every single person can be accepted by God and be given the gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life. It is a message of eternal truth that does not change with time or fashion. Almighty God says I am God and I do not change therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed (Malachi 3:6). Please understand this – Romans 3:23 tells us: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (NKJV). In Isaiah 53:6 we read: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone to his own way; and the Lord laid on Him ( Jesus Christ) the iniq- uity of us all (NKJV).

To access forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ, one needs repentance – which is changing your mind to agree with God as to what is right and what is wrong. You come to God and say, “I was wrong all along and you are right – thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die for my sin, to shed blood so that my sin may be forgiven. I acknowledge you Jesus Christ as Lord of my life from today. I believe that God raised you from the dead and you are alive today. From today I will live my life for you. I will follow you Jesus Christ from today.” Without repentance, there is no access to forgiveness of sin which is in Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus Christ said in Luke 13:3 and Luke 13:5: “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish”. Repentance is not grov- elling, or coming to God begging for forgiveness in desperation – it is chang- ing your mind, and changing allegiance, from agreeing with the enemy satan to agreeing with God, from aligning with the enemy satan to aligning with God, from embracing the enemy satan and his deception to embracing the God of Jesus Christ. What follows is then embracing the word of God and allowing the word of God to transform the way you think, so that you think like God, to transform the way you speak so that you speak like God, and transform the way you act, so that you act like God. That is why His word says in Romans 12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacri- fice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the re- newing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (NKJV). Presenting your body as a living sacrifice means setting yourself apart for God to seek His purpose and His will. This is a decision followed by a declaration: “Lord Jesus Christ, you can have me, with all that I am and with all that I am not I give my life to you. Do what you want with me”.

You also need to declare to the enemy satan: “You have nothing in me and I have nothing in you, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to let me go and serve God. I know that you were defeated publicly and openly by Jesus Christ on the cross and you have a one way ticket to the lake of fire for all eternity”. Following this you need to decide and commit to the process of embracing and studying His word under guidance of servants of God, memorising key scriptures and allowing His word to transform the way you think, the way to speak and the way you act. The word of God reveals to you the mind of God. The message in this book explains the duty of love by all mankind to men and women who are gay, the duty not to judge prematurely and crucially, the duty to tell the truth in love.

It also crucially explains the duty of every government across the nations of Planet Earth to uphold the truth and not to deceive people to gain easy and cheap popularity. It explains what marriage is and what it is not. It explains the crucial difference between civil partnership and same sex marriage. It explains why Civil Partnership is an acknowledgement of an arrangement between two consenting adults and why the Same Sex Marriage Act of 2013 in the United Kingdom crosses the line of heaven. This act upholds deception to gay people with the potential of leading gay people to eternal judgement by God, which essentially means missing heaven and going into damnation eternally in hell. This message from God explains the duty of love we all owe to gay men and women, and which means kindness, equal opportunity including in education, work, accommodation and giving them right to participate freely in society.

It explains further that while Civil Partnership Act acknowledges an arrange- ment made between two adults, marriage as ordained by Lord God Almighty, can only be between a man and a woman and the Same Sex Marriage Act of 2013 must be repealed because it is a deceptive legislation and puts the nation at risk of judgement from heaven because the word of God teaches us in Proverbs 14:34 that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. The word reproach means an expression of rebuke and disapproval. When Almighty God rebukes and disapproves a nation that means the nation is at risk of judgement. The dimensions of the judgement that comes from Almighty God are explained in depth in Chapter 7.

It took me three weeks to complete writing the message. It was downloaded from the throne of grace in heaven. It was and still is a mind-blowing message. I woke up on the morning of Monday 27th January 2014 feeling message near- ly done. Before I left the house however, God spoke to me again, the message was clear: “Before the end of the day, today, this message must be in Number 10 Downing Street, with the Prime Minister”. I got very concerned as at this point it was not at all clear how I was going to do this. I reached work and as my first session was administration, I immediately called my secretary to the office whom I thought being native born could proba- bly know a bit about how I could send a message to the Prime Minister.

I explained to her the situation and asked her the question: “How do I send a message to the Prime Minister?” “Max – I have no idea”, was her reply. I realised I was no further forward. I thought – let me go on the internet, to find more information about 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

To my surprise, I quickly found out that 10 Downing Street has a switch- board, and the telephone number was freely available on the internet. This was a great step forward. I had never known this before. I picked up my mobile phone and called the listed number. It was readily an- swered. I asked the question – “how do I send a message to the Prime Minister?” The attendant who answered the phone explained I could send a message a thou- sand characters in length to the Prime Minister and gave me the web address.

I had made real progress. As the message was 23 pages in length, I quickly thought I would summarise the message in a thousand characters, ask the team who maintain the Planet Ministries website to upload the message to the site and I would put a link to the full message on the summarised message. I quickly called the website team and explained, they promptly uploaded the message and sent me the link.

That evening of the 27th January 2014, I arrived home and sent the message to the Prime Minister as follows: Dear Honourable Prime Minister, Three weeks ago, I received a message from Almighty God for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The government of the United Kingdom has done a great work in enacting laws that keep this nation safe, however the Same Sex Marriage act crosses the line from heaven and must be repealed. The full message from Almighty God can be accessed at

This message is not partisan and is not based on self-interest. The Prime Minister has total and complete liberty to ignore this message. If he does, however, He risks judgement from heaven. I would recommend that the Prime Minister authenticates this message with reference to Her Majesty. If you need any aspect of this message clarified please feel free to contact me on this telephone number [...] and email [...] (I put my mobile telephone number and personal e-mail address). Yours Sincerely [...] (my name, address, designation, telephone number, email address). In Chapter 1 of this book is the full message which I received from Almighty God in January 2014. The message is presented here in its original form. This message has been on the Planet Ministries website with unrestricted public ac- cess until July 2022 when the preparation of this book started. The chapters that follow are the author’s further explanatory notes to help the reader gain more understanding of the critical points of this message. Chapters 10 and 11 are re- flections from selected Church Leaders whom I asked to preview the draft man- uscript and have their own independent reflections on the contents of this book pre-publication.

You will notice that reference to satan is put with a small letter s – this is my way of reminding every reader that satan was defeated publicly and openly by Jesus Christ on the cross when He died and rose again and that when one acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord and believes that God raised Him from the dead, not only are you saved and forgiven, but you are also given victory over satan in the name of Jesus Christ. You are given authority to command satan to cease operating in the affairs of your life in the name of Jesus Christ. This is explained in more depth in the book Vessels of Excellence by the same author. Please also note that all quotations from the bible are from the New King James Version, unless otherwise stated.

Please note that in Chapter 10, Reflections From Church Leaders, I have pro- tected the identity of some Church leaders and pastors whom I asked to preview this book pre-publication because of the sensitive nature of the topic under dis- cussion. I am grateful for their contributions which compliment and enrich this book.

Gay Marriage- What does Almighty God Say?

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Gay Marriage Book Reviews

Through generations, God has delivered messages to his people through his prophets, pointing out the errors or the flaws in their lives and warning them to repent of their disobedience or face judgement. One is reminded of the sto- ry of Jonah, whom God commanded to travel to the great city of Nineveh to preach repentance to its inhabitants because of their wickedness. In his mercy, God sent his servant so that the people of Nineveh would not be judged of their wickedness. Likewise, the book Gay Marriage – what does Almighty God say? is a warning that God is sending a message through Apostle Max Matonhodze, to the leaders of the United Kingdom, particularly the Prime Minister and those who are responsible of passing laws in relation to the Same Sex Marriage Act. In short, this act crossed a line from heaven. Like the people of Nineveh, God, in his mercy and loving kindness, is telling the nation to repent the abomination of celebrating same sex marriage or face judgement. The people of Nineveh heard Jonah’s message and repented. We pray that the leaders of the nation of the UK will hear Apostle Max Matonodze’s message and get right with God.

Church Elder

Birmigham, UK

Dear Apostle Dr Max
Thank you for asking me to preview this manuscript. My thoughts are as follows:
This book touches on the key area of the Same Sex Marriage Act of 2013.
This Act ventures into an area of human existence that had remained sacred as laid out by God our creator. An unacceptable line has been crossed by the government when this said Act was endorsed and became law.

From a Christian perspective based on the Word of God, the Act is clearly not from God and is not for the benefit of the subjects of the UK nation, Gods people.
The book walks you through the scriptures making it unquestionably clear that God’s word directs against what this Act endorses. The source of the outline is clearly revelational and clearly from God Himself.
As a Christian nation with God’s word as its foundation, the UK leaders are reminded of the responsibilities held to direct the people along godly lines, according to His word and instructions. This book therefore is undoubtably a
timely reminder, even warning to our leader the Prime Minister, of the inevitable consequences should heed not be taken.

Pastor Loxley English

London, United Kingdom.