He is a rewarder

He is a rewarder
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Tiltle: He is a rewarder.

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:12-13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

It is critical to always remember, Almighty God is a rewarder and He rewards each and everyone  according to his work.

Point of Reflection: 

Remember the servant who was given five talents who went traded with them and brought five more talents. When the Master reckoned with them He said in Matthew 25:23 NKJV: "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." 

Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, First and Last, the Beginning and the End, the Author and Finisher of your life and your faith requires from you goodness and faithfulness. Faithfulness in passing on the good news He has entrusted to you and obedience to other specific instructions as you receive them. You are a steward of the good news and of the mysteries of the gospel and it is required of a steward that a man be found faithful (1Corinthians 4:1-2).

Do you desire to be called the good and faithful servant?

 You need His grace, enabling favour and ability. When you are ready-

Prayer for grace:

My Father in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for salvation which I receive through Jesus Christ. I acknowledge the risen Jesus Christ as Lord of my life today. I thank you for the honour and privilege of being a steward of the good news and the mysteries of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I cry for your grace Oh God to be found a good and faithful servant. I pray for your strength for everyday to be true to your calling and I receive the help of Almighty God for everyday. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen. 

Apostle Dr Max Matonhodze.


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