It is the desire of Almighty God in Jesus Christ that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. Dr. Max Matonhodze / Mar 6, 2016 / 0 Views 7 7 | Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share via WhatsApp This is your scripture for today, may it empower you. Please leave a comment, share it widely and make someone's day.Title: It is the desire of Almighty God in Jesus Christ that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.It is the desire of God that as your soul (mind, emotions, intellect, will and conscience) prospers in the things of God, you be in health and also prosper materially. Please note you are spirit, with a soul in a body with enabling surroundings. Prosperity means enabling surroundings, enabling bank account, enabling accommodation etc. Your spirit is completed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ the day you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and get born again. Your spirit was made alive, regenerated, joined to the Spirit of Jesus Christ and sealed for the day of redemption. The key here is allowing the word of God to transform your mind (Romans 12:2) as you learn it under mentorship of the gifts that God has given to the church- Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. (Ephesians 4:10-14).Point of reflection: Enabling surroundings (prosperity) result from an enabling mindset this result in turn from inputs-critically the word of God under appropriate mentorships combined with Godly wisdom principles. Remember His word says in 2Corinthians 8:9 (KJV):"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.”Remember also the crown of thorns put on the head of Jesus Christ- the purpose was to break the curse of poverty that resulted from the fall of man (Genesis 3:18). Remember also that there is a difference between worldly wealth (1Timothy 6:17) and Godly prosperity. Godly prosperity is granted for the purpose of serving God to establish the covenant in our day (Deteuronomy 8:18), and to share with those in need. When you are ready-Prayer of consecration: Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for my redemption. I acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of my life and I set myself apart to serve you alone Father. Thank you for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who forsook riches to be poor so that through His poverty I might be rich. Thank you that you give us all things richly to enjoy. We remember those in need and we send portions to them too. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Source: Tags: 7 | Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter About The Author Dr. Max Matonhodze
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