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Title: The zeal of Almighty God will accomplish a great work in our day.
“Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days
Which you would not believe, though it were told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 NKJV.
Almighty God has promised to work a work in our day among the nations of Planet Earth,
which we will see, behold and be utterly astounded, we will wonder and marvel at it because it will be a thorough work,
a great work, a work of great quality and a massive work, done with the manifestation of a great Master Builder.
Point of reflection:
His word also says in Isaiah 9:7 (KJV):
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”
It is the desire of God that the increase in His government and His peace has no end-
that is that it spreads across Planet Earth, and that His government
and His church be established with justice and peace.
The zeal of the Lord, working in His people will accomplish this.
Remember when Almighty God declares, He wants to work a work in your day-
that needs must begin with you by manifesting in your life the completed work of Jesus Christ.
That you experience for yourself the presence, the power and the peace of Jesus Christ.
That you experience His healing, His salvation, His victory and His provision.
Do you desire this?
When you are ready-
Prayer for the manifestation of His government:
Heavenly Father I thank you for Jesus Christ, El Gibor, Mighty Warrior,
whom you sent to open for us a way into your presence and a way by which I may experience you as my God.
I open my life to you, the risen Jesus Christ I acknowledge you as Lord of my life from today.
I open my heart to you to experience your presence, your working and your power in my life.
I reject every working, every influence and every deception of the enemy satan and his demons in the name of Jesus Christ.
I embrace you Holy Spirit, my Helper, my Comforter, my Guide, my Counsellor, my Standby, my Intercessor and my Advocate.
I present my life to you.................. my family .........
I ask you Father to work your work in my life........work a work in my family....work a work in this nation.......
work a work in this continent.....
On this day my Father I cry for your work across Planet Earth.
Do a work in our day, at which we will wonder and marvel O God, as we approach this Easter my Father
let your zeal arise and show yourself God, in all our gatherings O God work a work in our day.
Let there be increase and establishment of your work across Planet Earth O God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, prove yourself Almighty God........
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen
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With best wishes for a joyous and prosperous year 2019-
The year in which Almighty God is calling for the rise of the Joshua generation.
A generation of men and women who will carry the testimony of Jesus Christ to Planet Earth
as they pray, witness and exercise faithful stewardship. (1 John 5:9-13).
Almighty God promises that as you carry this testimony, He will demonstrate
the power of Jesus Christ through you, He will exalt you,
He will show you His glory and He will judge the enemy satan in your body, in your life and situation.
Much grace and peace be multiplied to you.
We love you.
Apostle Dr Max and Joyce Matonhodze.